Your Vision. Our Assistance.
Intelligent IT Solutions
With a comprehensive range of managed services, OnLAN LLC can assure your IT needs are not just met, but exceeded. We work closely with our clients to develop solutions and processes to address their specific business requirements.
Reach out today to see how we can help.

We Manage
In today’s hyperconnected world, organizations are challenged in more ways than ever to stay ahead of the curve. Managed Services is a comprehensive service is designed to take the burden of every day IT functions off your plate so you can focus on your organization success.
We Protect
No company can guarantee you won't suffer some sort of security breach no matter how much you invest. Understanding the value of what you are protecting is key to detaining what your security investment should be. with our layered approach to security, OnLAN can help you select the security solutions for your business requirements.
What You Need
Cloud services is broad as IT itself. It is important to know the advantages and disadvantages the cloud brings. There is no one size fits all. OnLAN works with clients to determine where the cloud can be leveraged best.
We Remove Complexity
When it comes to compliance, IT is only part of the equation. You need more to reach compliance. OnLAN can provide the necessary tools, knowledge and training. So you have available what you need to bring your organization into compliance.

On Your Feet In Minutes Not Days
Disaster recovery is more than just backup.  OnLAN can help your business create, implement & maintain a Disaster Recovery plan. When disaster strikes, know that you are ready.
We Align
Office 365 is now Microsoft 365. Why? Simply put, the service offering has expanded beyond just eMail and the Office Suite. OnLAN can help you deploy and leverage Microsoft 365 to fit your business requirements.
We Communicate
VoIP is nothing new. But COVID-19 has forced us to change our thinking about how we communicate with our team and our customers in a work at home world. Telephone, web meetings, collaboration and chat all come together and OnLAN can help you navigate these new waters.
We Distribute
With workers needing to stay home due to COVID-19, businesses are scrambling to set up a remote workforce quickly and safely. Getting your entire network ready for a new remote workforce is a challenge. OnLAN can provide tools and assistance to get your team mobile.